Enjoy: Luxury of Life Review

Enjoy: Luxury of Life
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Enjoy: Luxury of Life ReviewI commend the authors of this wonderful book that highlights the real gifts of living a full life: The measurement is not what we accumulate but rather what we give and the legacy we leave behind. A common thread throughout the stories of people who transformed the world was their genuine desire to offer their time, talent and resources to heal, teach, feed and educate. Daring, inspiring, determined -- just some of the qualities that each of these leaders possess. I was inspired by the heartfelt sentiment of the book that stresses the importance of taking care of one another, so fondly called "global giving". What one begins to realize is that "global giving" equates to "global healing". It's a concept that becomes more stunning the more you ponder the possibilities.
The story of Alexander touched my heart deeply. If only, we could gift all our children with the magic carpet. As a parent I frequently struggle for lessons for my son that will enable him to experience empathy, compassion and an adoring love for humankind. What better way than to be the one looking in from the outside at another's suffering and hardship and, out of this, be moved to create the condition whereby we care for one another.
I loved the book and applaud the authors for bringing forward such a powerful message for survival. During these uncertain times when people are trying to get in touch with the purpose and reason for being, this book is a gift that will give it's readers the clarity they seek.
Enjoy: Luxury of Life OverviewCome join us on an exciting journey through countries and continents, unveiling the amazing charitable endeavors currently underway, and discover your personal mission to become a Global Giver. Enjoy the delightful tale of "Alexander's Royal Journey" and learn the Secret Keys to Global Giving and how to pass them on. Be introduced to the Luxury of Life Global Giving Hall of Fame, which showcases philanthropic Legacy Leaders, including Andrew Carnegie, Princess Diana, and Paul Newman, as well as Global Giving business ambassadors who have mastered the Secret Keys and are changing the world.

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