Raised by Killers in a Dysfunctional Family Review

Raised by Killers in a Dysfunctional Family
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Raised by Killers in a Dysfunctional Family ReviewIT SHOWS THAT NO MATTER WHAT GOES ON IN YOUR LIKE THAT GOD IS WITH YOU. THROUGH THE THICK AND THIN. OUTSTANDING JOBRaised by Killers in a Dysfunctional Family Overview

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Justified Conduct Review

Justified Conduct
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Justified Conduct ReviewJustified Conduct hooked me from the first page and kept me intrigued throughout. It is an amazing book that I couldn't put down. I found my heart pounding as I threw myself into the intense scenes being described. I had to keep reminding myself this was just a story. Not since the Harry Potter series have I waited so impatiently for the sequel.Justified Conduct OverviewJUSTIFIED CONDUCT is a suspenseful political drama unfolding in Washington, D.C.For nearly forty years the CIA has meticulously groomed a man from birth to fill the position of Commander and Chief. There is still one last detail left unattended. Who will be the candidate for First Lady? Samantha Dubois appeals to the American public to help free her husband from terrorists. America watches as her husband is brutally killed on national television. As the tragic scene unfolds, Sam becomes thelogical choice for the role of wife to the most powerful leader on earth, the President of the United States. Forcibly wed to the President, Samantha must make decisions to protect her children and her country. Spun in a web of deceit and lies, she unwittingly holds the most terrifying secret of all ... the identity of her husband's killer and the threat he poses to the country. Samantha realizes that sometimes there are no good choices, only shades of black. JUSTIFIED CONDUCT culminates with the powerful question of how quickly will honor and morality be thrown to the wind for the hope of survival. In order to find the ultimate answer, one must read the follow-on sequel, SHADES OF BLACK.

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Are you looking to buy UNTAPPED WEALTH DISCOVERED: 2nd Edition? Here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on UNTAPPED WEALTH DISCOVERED: 2nd Edition. Check out the link below:

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UNTAPPED WEALTH DISCOVERED: 2nd Edition ReviewBased on the glowing reviews the first edition of this book received, I decided that it would be a highly worthwhile and informative read. Instead, it contains nothing more than everyday information that is not only common sense, but is readily available for free on the Internet. I can only assume that all of the previous reviews were written by friends or acquaintances of the authors. Anyone with a sixth grade education would already know and be able to implement everything discussed in this book. In my opinion, "Untapped Wealth Discovered: 2nd Edition," is a total waste of money.UNTAPPED WEALTH DISCOVERED: 2nd Edition OverviewCritics declare "UNTAPPED WEALTH DISCOVERED is the book to read for anyone ready to be financially secure." If that statement intrigues you, read on. "Are you tired of working for someone else and not being recognized by your boss or your colleagues for your efforts? Do you feel that your career is stalled and has nowhere to go? Are you concerned that you may soon be laid off or downsized because of present economic conditions?" If you answered yes to any of these questions, the best seller UNTAPPED WEALTH DISCOVERED is must reading for you. Authors Jeff N. Marquis and Kerry J. Harrison are consultants to the American government, entrepreneurs and large corporations; and motivational speakers in demand across North America, as well as in Britain and Europe. They have charted a course to success for everyone from the soon-to-retire professional to the housewife; from the student looking for a part-time job to the woman at home on maternity leave. This course is mapped out for anyone ready to grab the brass ring. In the authors' words, "We are going to help you make successful use of our strategies to discover wealth in four global markets that will never be affected by inflation or deflation. These markets are the safest and most long-lasting you will ever encounter. The crucial factor is for you to determine whether or not you are ready to embark on a venture as important as this. Those who have chosen to follow our recipes for success have been enjoying solid, handsome profits. Our corporate and business clients regularly experience from 10% to 40% growth annually." If you're up for the challenge, and ready for success, get yourself a copy of this little gem, UNTAPPED WEALTH DISCOVERED and start reading!

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Boricua Power: A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States Review

Boricua Power: A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States
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Are you looking to buy Boricua Power: A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States? Here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Boricua Power: A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States. Check out the link below:

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Boricua Power: A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States ReviewPARADES AND POWER:
This new book traces the sources of Puerto Rican
striving and setbacks in New York and elsewhere.
By Bienvenido Ruiz
City Limits WEEKLY #594 (July 2, 2007)
Boricua Power: A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States; By José Ramón Sánchez; NYU Press; $24.
On a sunny Sunday last month, thousands embraced the 50th National Puerto Rican Day Parade as a celebration of their heritage and a moment of pride and visibility. It was the prime occasion for politicians, celebrities, corporations and assorted public figures to display - and claim the rewards of - their "solidarity" with this community. Besides its high profile and sheer numbers, this event is a yearly New York City milestone for bringing attention to the myriad conflicts between Puerto Ricans and the city's powerful.
Again this year, the media recorded an aftermath of controversy: how many Fifth Avenue buildings were barricaded from the crowd; how many people were arrested, and for what; whether the police wrongfully targeted young people for wearing this or that (supposedly gang-related) t-shirt; how people watching a parade could be accused of "unlawful assembly"; and whether there were "wilding" incidents to report, as in past years.
The unfortunate conflicts following this exceptional moment of visibility reflect, in a way, the history of Puerto Ricans in the U.S. Although this group has had a long and prominent history in New York dating back to the 19th century, its history of struggle to find a place in American society is complex and still poorly understood. The socioeconomic statistics are easier to interpret, and they point unequivocally to chronic disadvantage: Puerto Ricans still suffer much higher than average poverty and unemployment rates, as well as lower income and education levels. Social scientific studies have focused considerable attention on stateside Puerto Rican communities, but the search for explanations of their disadvantage has yielded fragmentary, even contradicting conclusions. As result, a coherent account of what makes this group socially vulnerable has not emerged.
In a literature dominated by sociological and cultural studies, one relatively neglected aspect of the Puerto Rican community's history is its political influence as means to improve their living conditions. In his new book, "Boricua Power," José Ramón Sánchez offers an innovative perspective on this group as an active player in its own social history. This study fills an important gap by presenting a cogent and historically rich account of community empowerment in the intellectual tradition of political economy.
The term "boricua" derives from Borikén, the indigenous name for the main island of Puerto Rico - also known in Spanish as Borinquen. This self-identification is increasingly popular among Puerto Ricans in the rest of America, although the word is yet to turn up in English dictionaries. Like the terms Latina/o and Chicana/o, community activists began adopting the name for many of their organizations in the 1960s to raise group consciousness, and in opposition to more "Eurocentric" terms. By calling themselves boricuas, Puerto Ricans proudly use their vernacular to gain a measure of control over their own identity.
The book's approach is scholarly. Sánchez, an associate professor of political science and chair of urban studies at Long Island University, elaborates a novel understanding of power (political and otherwise), using the history of Puerto Rican political influence as supporting evidence for his theory. The concept of power developed here is dynamic and multidimensional. Power is about action rather than position or possession; it is about actors whose mutual relationship is never static but rather in constant flux. And it is also relational, since influence can be exercised but not held like some inanimate object. The author relies on dancing as a key metaphor for the reciprocity of power relationships: rather than coercing one another, real life social actors engage in partnerships that are potentially of mutual benefit. The "dance of power" image reminds us that mutual interests are at the root of any relationship, even in domination, since "power originates in the passions and interests of social interaction."
The political history of the Puerto Rican community illustrates how an ethnic group interacts with interested partners on the dance floor of the urban political economy. In its hundred-year-long history in New York, Puerto Ricans have seized (and lost) a surprising range of opportunities to improve their status. Sánchez focuses on three particular historical periods. The first starts in the interwar years, when a large proportion of Puerto Rican workers were employed as cigar makers. In the 1920s, these workers enjoyed organizational success and had gained unusual control over their working conditions. Outside the workplace, cigar makers spearheaded the proliferation of political clubs and other institutions that brought influence to their ethnic community. Their power derived from the high value of their artisanship in the labor market. However, the rare skills that once attracted employers were of no use later when tobacco firms reconfigured their production operations to counterbalance the cigar makers' ability to strike and organize. After losing jobs as cigar makers, Puerto Ricans shifted to other industries, working at jobs with lower skills and wages. By the 1930s, the changes were felt in the whole community, which became more impoverished, more vulnerable to competition from other immigrant workers, and less able to mobilize.
The second period coincides with that of greatest Puerto Rican immigration, between 1945 and 1965. After World War II, New York's Puerto Rican workers benefited from their participation in Democratic machine politics and from their involvement in labor unions. However, the municipal reform movement of the 1950s weakened the patronage system that formerly secured social policies favorable to ethnic workers. Mass migration also contributed to decline in economic influence, as immigrant Puerto Rican workers were relegated to cheap and plentiful labor. According to Sánchez, the 1950s is also characterized by a development of cultural and political nationalism within the community, and this inward orientation did not help to arouse the interests of American society at large.
In this section, the author also presents a lucid account of the political roots of mass migration that could be particularly appealing to students of Puerto Rican history, or of migration itself. The social scientific literature does not offer a consensus about what led to such unprecedented levels of out-migration from the island, nor for its high concentration in New York City. In arguing that the factors producing migration increases "were driven by politics and policy," Sánchez details the coordinated moves made by 1950s political bosses, both in Puerto Rico and stateside. For example, mass migration fit into the broad industrial development plan implemented in the island by the state and federal governments, as well as into New York mayors' interest in renewing labor resources for the city's declining light industries. The mid-century period is crucial because the loss of influence sets up the long term misfortunes of Puerto Ricans in the U.S. (particularly in the wake of deindustrialization) that continue to this day. There are lessons here for those interested in the social consequences of the current immigration policy regime, and of mass migration driven by the twin forces of industrialization abroad and post-industrial labor market segmentation in the U.S.
The third important moment of power shifts occurred in the late 1960s and 1970s. A brief surge in local Puerto Rican influence was spurred by highly visible, radical protests, epitomized by the Young Lords, an activist organization that did not shy away from direct confrontation with the police or other powerful institutions to advocate for the urgent needs of Puerto Ricans. The fallout of this movement was, however, increased cultural and social distance between this group and the dominant white majority. According to Sánchez, this media-enhanced confrontational style contributed to loss of interest in this group, and thus to a legacy of political marginalization. The Puerto Rican community was left with few compelling dance partners.
In comparing these periods, the book illustrates how each historical moment affords its own opportunities to "dance," and also unique challenges. However, each moment of Puerto Rican empowerment was followed by a decline in influence, and the recurring pattern of defeats presents a problem for the dance theory of power. If their "record of organizing and institution-building has been impressive," why does the long-term balance of power remain negative for Puerto Ricans? Could this be due to the contingencies of bad dance partner choices? If power is continuously created, why have other groups arrived at a seemingly permanent position of advantage? How could the clout of unions in the 1920s, political sponsors in the 1950s, or media visibility in the 1970s have been translated to more permanent Boricua empowerment? The author's theory is effective in dissecting the shifts and sociohistorical context of power, but less successful in explaining the persisting downward trend over the longer term.
Other theoretical perspectives, like Marxian or race theory, could reasonably claim that the repeated losses are symptomatic of the larger "structures" of power. For instance, the ultimate dismissal of Puerto...Read more›Boricua Power: A Political History of Puerto Ricans in the United States Overview
Where does power come from? Why does it sometimes disappear? How do groups, like the Puerto Rican community, become impoverished, lose social influence, and become marginal to the rest of society? How do they turn things around, increase their wealth, and become better able to successfully influence and defend themselves?

Boricua Power explains the creation and loss of power as a product of human efforts to enter, keep or end relationships with others in an attempt to satisfy passions and interests, using a theoretical and historical case study of one community–Puerto Ricans in the United States. Using archival, historical and empirical data, Boricua Power demonstrates that power rose and fell for this community with fluctuations in the passions and interests that defined the relationship between Puerto Ricans and the larger U.S. society.

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Untapped Wealth Discovered Review

Untapped Wealth Discovered
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Untapped Wealth Discovered ReviewPlease note - I have not read this book. In trying to determine if this would be an insightful book worth my time and $$$ I have been diligently reading the reviews. Here are some odd things I've noticed about all the glowing 5 star reviews below:
1. Many are from un-registered buyers
2. Many of those un-registered buyers have only reviewed this book
2. The few that do have multiple reviews, reference this book in a very positive light in their other reviews.
3. Many of the reviews were writtin only days apart, and
4. Reviewer names are generic, "Steve from San Francisco", "Jill from Atlanta"
I'd expect glowing reviews from one or two of the authors "friends and family", but this is rediculous. Check it our for yourself, you've been warned!Untapped Wealth Discovered Overview"This book is nothing less than a 20-20 vision view of the skills, careers, investments, and markets that will allow us to keep on earning income for as long as we require.""If you are looking for ways to cut your costs, increase your revenues, and expand your customer base, then Untapped Wealth is a must purchase for you.""If you are having difficulty attracting new customers or staying ahead of your competition then you need to read Untapped Wealth Discovered and there you will find the key to your frustrations."

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A Ram In The Bush Review

A Ram In The Bush
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A Ram In The Bush ReviewApparently, no one ever told Shay Knight that the quickest way to lose a man was to allow jealousy to consume her. Before the ink could get cold on her marriage license Shay began pulling out all the stops to ensure that her husband knew that she wouldn't stand for any form of infidelity. The only problem was that her extreme methods only caused him to drift apart from the love that he once shared with her. When he has finally had enough of her antics, she finally realizes what she is about to lose through divorce, but not before someone else comes into her life needing Shay's help more than Shay expects to be able to give. Can this selfish soon to be ex-wife get it together long enough to salvage her relationship while helping someone in a more dire situation at the same time?
I truly enjoyed the conflicts in human nature that was brought to light in this book. Reading this book was like a drama filled movie that I could literally see as it took shape right in front of my eyes. Everything was visual, well crafted and the character development was on point. I found myself frustrated with the main character as she put her husband through unnecessary situations because of her own insecurities. I wanted her to see the error in her ways and how doing what she was doing was exactly what caused a lot of good men to turn. It was like watching the Keyshia Cole video for "I Should've Cheated" being played out before me.
Maya's plight was much more heart wrenching than anything else in this book. I could do nothing but feel her pain and pray for resolution in her situation. You will have to get the book to find out how everything turned out but trust this is a book that you wont want to put down easily.
Reviewed by:
Ashley Mattox
RWA Bookclub Reviewer
A Ram In The Bush OverviewThe first three months of marriage were great, then jealousy reared its ugly green head. Shay's obsessive jealousy leads her to purchse a GPS car tracking device to keep track of the whereabouts of her newlywed husband. Her obsessive jealousy and outrageous accusations rapidly begin to destroy what had been shaping up to be a wonderful marriage. Shay finds herself in the midst of a divorce, but an unexpected 'Ram in the Bush' shows up. Maya surprisingly enters Shay's life to help; but not before Maya goes through a staggering amount of abuse and danger at the hands of her own husband.

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Physical and Technical Aspects of Fire and Arson Investigation Review

Physical and Technical Aspects of Fire and Arson Investigation
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Physical and Technical Aspects of Fire and Arson Investigation ReviewThis book, with its scientific sounding title, was the backbone of the arson cirriculum at the National Fire Academy at Emmitsburg, MD for over a decade. The myths that this book validated have caused literally hundreds of fire investigators to become misinformed. These investigators then passed on the misinformation, and used the misinformation to obtain arson convictions of innocent people.Example 1. The standard time-temperature curve, extracted from an ASTM test for determining fire resistance of rated assemblies, is set forth as the norm for structure fires. Fires which burn faster can therefore be said to be accelerated. (Completely untrue).Example 2. There is a photograph on p 73 showing what a room that has flashed over looks like. Unfortunately, the bottom half of the room is completely unburned, meaning that flashover could not possibly have occurred.There are literally dozens of other misinformed statements in this book. Richard Custer, former chair of NFPA 921 ordered this textbook for a class shortly after it came out. The title sounded good. He ended up using the text to show his students everything that was NOT true about fire investigation.Do not buy this bookPhysical and Technical Aspects of Fire and Arson Investigation Overview

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